Blogmas · Lifestyle · Personal · Relationships · Tags

The Boyfriend Tag

Hello lovelies! I’ve been wanting to do this post for so long and now since it’s #Blogmas, what’s a better time to be doing this. I have been in a relationship for 11 month’s this month and It’s time to introduce him properly to you lot. This is The Boyfriend Tag!


Q1) Where Did We Meet?

We met the way that most people meet these days. We met on a dating app called Plenty of Fish which I actually had no hope of finding someone but then he popped along!

Q2) Where was our first date?

Our first date was probably to a hotel near his family house. I traveled 260km up to Donegal from Kildare to see him after two weeks of talking. I wasn’t even sure if he said who he said he was. I went to school with his cousin which is crazy so I had hope that he wasn’t a catfish.

Q3) What was your first impression of him?

My first impression was that he was very hands on and he said who he was. We went shopping in Aldi as soon as we met and he carried my suitcase which I thought was so sweet. When we got into the car, he placed his hand on my leg and I just felt so at ease. So kind, nice and affectionate would be my first impression of him.

Q4) When did you both meet the families?

Myself : I met his mum, sister, niece and nephew as soon as I got to Donegal as he lived with them. So February would be when I met his family.

Himself : He met my family in September at my sisters 18th Birthday Party.

Q5) What is his weird habit?

I actually don’t know if he has a weird habit to be honest. He’s just weird in general… I’m so nice!

Q6) How long have we’ve been together?

11 months at the end of the month. We’re saying our anniversary is from when we first started talking which is the 31st of January 2017. So close to being a year.

Q7) Do we have any traditions?

It would have to be having pancakes at like 2am every night when we want a midnight snack.

Q8) First thing you noticed about him?

Would have to be his beard which I loved and now I’m trying to get him to shave it!

Q9) What pisses him off?

It would have to be when I say ” I’ll do something in a minute ” and don’t actually do it for a few hours – that annoys people in general to be honest.

Q10) What do we argue about?

We live together so it has to be who is doing the cooking and cleaning but it’s a mutual effort 99% of the time.

Q11) Who wears the pants in the relationship?

I would love to say both of us but the truth is… I do.. Well I like to think I wear the pants so I probably don’t.


Q12) Does he have any weird obsessions?

He loves to watch educational stuff on YouTube which I don’t get whatsoever but he’s into it so I can’t complain as it keeps him out of trouble.

Q13) If he’s watching TV, what is he watching?

It would either be something to do with Marvel, Family Guy or American Dad.

Q14) What is one talent that he has?

He is an amazing writer and he has a way with words – that is one thing that made me want him even more when we talked.

Q15) What is his favourite type of music?

He is a massive metal and rock head. His favourite band has to be System of a Down – you need to check them out.

Q16) What is one food that he doesn’t like?

Banana’s weirdly – it makes him so sick.

Are you in a relationship? Let me know in the comments below.

Love, Bee ox



Blogmas · Christmas · Lifestyle · Relationships

Boyfriend Gift Guide

Hello my lovelies! This is my first year in ages having a boyfriend for Christmas and I have always struggled to buy presents for guys as they can be so hard to buy for. This is the Boyfriend Gift Guide which my partner has helped me with for you lot – as the guy’s brain is something that I don’t understand.


Joop Aftershave

This is something that my partner say’s is a pretty good buy. This is his favourite aftershave and I have to say that it smells amazingly and lasts. Joop Aftershave isn’t that expensive and it’s widely available. You can get this for €31 in Boots or Argos.


Play Station Four

I know for a fact that so many guys want this and it would make there Christmas without a doubt. This has been out for a year and a bit so the price has gone down a good bit. You can get this for as cheap as €249.99 in Little Woods! Your fella will love you but you may regret getting this for him – you may have to come second to the Play Station!


Football Tickets

Guys love the football but not all guys. If your boyfriend is into football, you should get him tickets to his favourite team. Football season should still be going on in the New Year or even tickets to the World Cup in Russia if your home country has qualified.

download (3)

Memory Book

If you want to do something special for the man in your life – this is probably one of the best things you can do. A memory book is something that he would cherish and love – you can start from day one or do one for the year. I know this is something that I am 100% thinking about doing but I’m not sure yet.


Have you bought your other half anything yet? Let me know in the comments below.

Love, Bee ox


Lifestyle · Personal · Relationships

An Open Letter To My Boyfriend

Dear Boyfriend,

I have no clue how I’m going to write this or how you’re going to take this but I’ve had so much on my chest recently but I haven’t been able to say it to you in person. I know your probably going to read this and think what the hell but I do think it’s something that you need to read.

I Don’t Love You Any Less When You Annoy Me : You may get on my nerves, irritate me and all that but my love for you never change. By the end of it, I love you more than I did before.

I Never Really Mean To Try and Push You Away : I need you more than you think I do. I may push you away by not hugging you back, not kissing you back or just ignoring you but I never intentionally mean to push you away.

I Want To Be With You : No matter how hard this relationship gets, I do want to be with you. You make me smile when I’m down. You make me feel safe when I’m vulnerable. The thought of letting you go or loosing you has never crossed my mind, so please remember that.

I’m So Sorry : I know that I never say this straight away as I’m stubborn but I do mean it when I say it. I HATE fighting and arguing with you as much as you hate it. You do always seem to forgive me and we move forward, I have to thank you for that.

Thank You For Everything : I am ever so grateful for everything you have done for me and us. I may not say it a lot but I am so grateful for everything. I love everything about you, as much as you don’t think I do but I do. You are my rock and hopefully I’m yours too.

Love You Lots,
Bee ox